This video explains how to update the Arduino sketch in your WxShield. If it does not play directly in
your web browser, download it to your hard drive before trying to watch it.
Windows driver file for Arduino UNO
Note: this file must be renamed before using (remove the .txt suffix)
Bosch BMP085 pressure calculations.
PDF document
Package for building the version 1.1 WxShield.
ZIP archive
Instructions for building a version 1 WxShield.
PDF document
CAD Package for version 1 WxShield
ZIP archive
User Manual for the version 2 WxShield.
PDF document
Arduino source code version 1.6 for the WxShield.
Use this unless you want support for AcuRite temperature (not the 5n1) sensors. ZIP arvhive
Arduino source code version 1.8 supports AcuRite 00955 and OS SL-109H sensors.
ZIP archive
Arduino source code version 1.9.1 supports AcuRite 00955, 0872W3, and OS SL-109H sensors.
ZIP archive
Arduino source code version 1.9.2 has wider timing limits for OS version 1.0 sensors
compared to earlier releases. ZIP archive
Arduino source code version contains a minor fix to 1.9.2 required for Arduino
versions 1.5 and later. If you get Arduino build errors with 1.9.2, try this version. ZIP archive
Arduino source code version 4.2 adds support for the AcuRite 5n1 ISS (and more).
For use with Arduino 1.5 and later. ZIP archive
Arduino source code version 5.0.2 is a re-write of version 4.2.0 with cleanup and bug fixes.
For use with Arduino IDE 1.5 and later. ZIP archive
CAD files for version 2 WxShield.
ZIP archive
CAD file for the
new WxBox. You can open this file using CAD software
available for free from ZIP archive
Latest RF Protocols for wireless weather sensors
PDF document
Updated Oregon Scientific RF Protocols
PDF document
Oregon Scientific RF Protocols
PDF document